Monday, December 24, 2007

I am a Legend

If you are looking for a good movie to watch this Christmas, may I suggest you avoid I am Legend. The movie is a flop of epic proportion!

The start seems promising. As the story unfolds, it just implodes. A virus was discovered to cure cancer. Hooray...*heaves a sign of relief. However, the virus mutated, became airborne and infected everybody, causing them to turn into vampires or scary creatures of some sort, except, of course, the protagonist, Robert Neville (Will Smith), a scientist and his canine friend, Samantha. The vampires evolved, became smarter and tracked Neville down. He met fellow survivors after 3 years and sought to find a remedy for the virus....yardar yardar yardar

Flashbacks were badly littered to create more confusion. There were moments in the movie that made Days Of Our Life seemed like a thriller. The most exciting part of the movie is the credits, that is if you haven't already left the cinema.

Now, everything should have a redeeming factor, right? No! I am Legend is an exception. The only thing redeeming about this movie is it actually ends (albeit abruptly)!

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