Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Weekend Out

some of the unfortunate members from the lake...
Big fat obnoxious ass...
Swan lake...
Two is good...
Perching on the 'sidewalk'...
Where there is food, they are there...
Standing on thin ice...
A birdy affair in the lake

This weekend, we decided to go to a winter flea market. On our way there, we passed by this lake. There were many birds which I have not seen in my life. Okie, maybe I have seen them somewhere in books or movies but they were stored in my fleeting memory.

It was the coldest day since my coming to Denmark. It was around -6deg the night before and ard -2deg in the middle of the day. Part of the lake froze and the birds can be seen standing on the thin sheet of ice. There were mandarin ducks, swans, some long-peaked birds. All weren't afraid of us since they were used to humans in close proximity feeding them.

On reaching the flea market, we were horrified to find out that there was admission fee! 30krs! OMG! How ridiculous. After coming to Denmark, I have come to this realisation that if you want to have fun, you got to have the $$$. Salsa costed 400krs for a semester. Shopping bags at the supermarkets are up for grabs at 5krs. Literally everything and anything need to be bought.

Had a wonderful buffet dinner at some turkish restaurant in Kobenhavn. It was 79krs and the food was fantastic. Wide variety and delicious food. Had to pay 17krs for a hot chocolate becoz buffet usually comes with a 'compulsory' drink over and on top of what you pay for the meal. The birds were not served at our buffet just case you did not know that my sense of humor is morbid.
Oh yes, did I mention that we are going to Kiruna in Sweden to see the Northern Lights and Ice Hotel. If I have, nvm me then. If I haven't, you have been informed...

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