wHeRelse cAn yOu fInd This 'EYE'???
InsIde the Cao Dai Temple, Red rep Confucianism, Yellow rep Buddhism and Blue rep Taoism
foRtuNate fOr hIm, tHe grEnAde iS faKe, so aRe oUr BudDies...
tHe faMoUs tunNel, Cu Chi Tunnel
tuNnEl at Cu Chi Tunnel
nOt tt muCh shoRteR leH
BooBy BoBbY tRaPPppee
shAdEs aNd icE-creAm okIe, not the UglY faKe NIKE pouch!!!
we contracted the two-finger syndrome, but apparently quite happy abt it.
BuN is aCtuAlLy noOdLes!!!
LittLe HAnOi,duhzzz!
seAsemE chIcKeN, frOm liTTle HaNoi
FrIed SprInG rOlLs, froM LitTle HanOi
yUmMliciOus Kangkong w/O chiLli, frOm LiTtLe HaNoI