Unless you have been living in Mars, you will probably be aware that the lost of 5 fine gentlemen last week has literally brought Singaporeans to a state of mourning. Although I knew neither of them, from what I read from the media and tributes by their friends, they were very popular with their peers, teachers and even acquaintances.
What got me interested is that they are about my age and had so much to offer in life, so much to look forward to. Like what my grandmother always tell me, I am at the dawn of my life while she is already in her twilight.
To them, their dawns have abruptly and selfishly been drawn to a close. Youth, vigor, strength, love for life are what these super sporty people stand for. In an instant, everything just implodes into nothingness and abject misery for their family members ... Seeing their mothers crying their hearts out brought a few wet spots in my eyes. Nobody deserves to die like that. And nobody deserves to bury their children...
What an understatement it is to mention "Life is so fragile". Somebody upstairs must have made a big big mistake. There are so many terrorists out there who deserves so many death sentences over and yet they are alive and kicking, scheming to hurt more innocent people.
People say things happen for a reason, I tell them to stick it up their rears. Things like that baffle logic and reason. Just hope that time will heal the scars in their parents' hearts.
I was on my way to a friend's place last nite. As I was late, I decided to take a cab. At my usual cab-waiting place, I tried to flag one. I saw one across the road, it was empty and it had the green lights on at the top. I was elated! As I caught the driver's attention, he did not stop! Instead, he switched the lights to red, indicating he was busy! Phenomenal! I guess he's changing shifts.
Recently, much has been discussed about errant taxi-drivers, who choose customers and tout. Shameless! So many cab operators have sprung up in recent memory and yet it remains a daunting task trying to flag a cab in the town area. Now, we even have someone in authority who suggested implementing surcharges in the CBD and Orchard Road and major tourist attractions to entice cabbies to return to town after dropping passengers at the heartland. Ridiculous.
As an authoritative figure, why is he still raising the cost of living when it is within our control? Rising wheat prices, fuel prices...these are understandably beyond our control. Anyway, instead, cab operators should reduce the rents of taxis. Anyway, cabbies are the ones who pay for fuel. They pretty much just collect rents! Also, authorities who in future make ridiculous comments concerning this issue should be fined their salaries to subsidize cab fares. Eg: Authority for Town A gets fined. Residents for Town A will have a 20cent rebate per cab trip. In this way, we can encourage intellectual and constructive debate when certain important meeting is in session and warrant disincentive for verbal diarrhea.
Some cabbies' rear are itching for some pain. I think some are really spoiling the market. Some cabbies chose this profession to pass time whilst others genuinely need the job. More rigorous screening shld be put in place to filter out would-be erroneous cabbies. Then again, cab operators like other businesses are profit-driven. Who gives a damn abt social welfare and the greater good when neither can buy u a cup of coffee?
Yesterday was a better day, at least you know what happened yesterday. Today is going to be a mystery and tomorrow and beyond are even bigger mysteries.
For me at least, I know what is gg to happen tomorrow and beyond because every today(s), I am preparing for tomorrow and beyond. Yesterday becomes irrelevant because it just adds on to my misery that I no longer have today and I don't want to know what I did not do yesterday. And tomorrow, it's another compounded yesterdays' worth of miseries. Today, I think, I did nothing much and tomorrow, I am gg to be miserable because yesterday's worth of misery is gg to haunt my tomorrow.
Life's a misery. In fact, "Life" has been liken to many things; box of chocolate, train, wind, sun, moon, animals... People are really creative! They can come up with almost anything to compare life with and get all philosophical and get you nodding in agreement. Puzzling is people like to fluff things out of nothing!
PS: Exams can make some people incoherent and delusional.
For chemical engineers, this should look all too familiar. This is what my group has come up with. Rather, it should look liddat for most of the groups, just that the dimensions are somewhat different. Credit goes to Eng Huat for helping me to come up with the design using Solidworks.
This is a column for separating 2 product streams of different phases. Feed is the given substance while the outlets are where the product streams leave the column. Manhole is for maintenance assess. Skirt is generally referred to as support for the column.
The ticket to new experience has finally arrived. The internal turmoil of deciding between IA and SEP has finally ended. SEP won the battle. One is money-making, the other is money-spending. I chose the latter. There is a lot to be done from hereon. Visas, residence permit, shopping etc etc.
But first, examinations is the biggest challenge.
Not all are happy abt my deicision though. Who cares? Right? It's my life and I choose my direction. Nobody can really dictate one's journey in life. If it is abt sacrifices, well, the ppl concerned don't really need me in S'pore and to a certain extent, don't really deserve my sacrifices. Time and again, they have disappointed through their wrong actions, lack of actions, verbal diarrhoea, discouragement and anything worst possible, worst imaginable. They claim they are concerned and blahblahblah, yes, i understand their standpoints, but I have alr explicitly and repeatedly mentioned that their operandi moduli are wrong or rather, not what i want.
The person who can really influence my decision is not around, and recently, I have found another...but it's still too early to say if tt person is really the one. Should I take the plunge? Time will tell...clinche but apt.