Friday, November 28, 2008

Blood thicker than Water?

Sometimes, I think being an only child is better than having siblings. This is why:

a) Your parents' love for you will be divided (sometimes disproportionately).
b) More possibility of friction.
c) Unnecessary stress due to comparisons.
d) Higher expectations of you if you are older.
e) Even higher expectations if you are younger (to not be a brat).
f) Having an a** for a sibling.
g) Being an *s* to your sibling.
h) Being an even bigger **s to your parents when u quarrel with ur siblings.

That's what I can think of...all of those were my personal encounters at different stages of growing up and I don't really believe any of those will change even if you are grown up. [On a few occasions, a combination of the above mentioned have got to me quite abit.] Perhaps, the difference is, these problems don't get to you as much as if they do in the past because your life is wider and more mature than fighting with your siblings. Why do you think?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

DONe DOne Done...

Done Done Done! Done with my exams finally...What a relief...*heaves a sign of relief...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Things to do after exams

Things to do after exams...

1. Eat
2. Sleep
3. Watch Desperate Housewives
4. Watch Movies
5. Play Tennis
6. Play Ping Pong
7. Repeat from 1-6
8. Repeat 7.
9. Reduce 1 if 5 & 6 are not met coz will get unhealthy.
10.Skip 4 if money is running out.
11.Skip 10 if mum is sponsoring.

Not that I m not getting anything to eat or sleep during or before the end of exams, it is just the relaxation when you lie down on bed knowing you do not have the immediate burden of exams lingering at the back of your mind cramping for space with the knowledge you have gained whilst revising. And that was a very long sentence!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Rare Skin Disease

While surfing the you-tube, I came across "Demon Baby". It is actually a baby who has Harlequin-type ichthyosis. It is a skin disease and is the most severe form of congential ichthyosis. If you have weak guts for disturbing graphic images, it is best advised that u dun google this disease because the patients are not anything like those who are suffering from normal skin conditions.

Friday, November 7, 2008


The space in my living room is getting smaller and smaller. So is the space in my head. It is shrinking...Oh obama save me! haha..wu liao

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Lost in time...