Monday, May 28, 2007

Green or Silver?

fuNkY grEeN
Glittering Silver

Bought the funky green a couple of days ago. What attracted me is the unique design and it's funkiness. Looking through my collection of watches, all are very official-looking and too atas le... Makes me feel OLD...I haf a penchant for collecting watches...haha. It's cheap too...$5 onli!!! Got it frm some off-the-street stall.

The silver one belongs to my friend. It's kinda nice too but being a very boorish person, i m afraid if i bought it, i might just scratch it. It's pretty affordable too, $10 onli!!!

With Great Singapore Sale looming in the horizon, there's a growing suspicion that my debit card might haf to go into overdrive...but who cares??? we live once...and if saving for rainy days argument is anything to go by, i say what happens if u dun live to get wet in the rain?

French Open 2007 has started. My predictions? Rafael Nadal and Justin Henin!

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