Thursday, April 19, 2007


Cho Seung Hui ---- the world's most talked about person and the most recognisable face since Osama Bin Ladin. Without much introduction, Cho gunned down 34 people in Virginia Tech.
After the dust has settled, law-makers and people around the world would be thinking the age-old question, " Ban guns? "
At least, superficially to most Singaporeans who seep coffee ( some just gulp ) at S21 or your friendly neighbourhood coffee shops, we would be going "Just ban lor, so simple....even my ah ma also know!"
The thing is, in the States, the possession and buying of a gun is even easier than buying gum in Singapore. I bet many of us have not heard of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.
It reads: A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. In simple and broken English, it means to ensure that the country of United States of America maintain the freedom of the people ( citizens of US ), the government makes it a RIGHT for them to own guns ( long, short, auto, semi-auto and others which I am not familiar with ). Any infringement is deemed as an act of violation of human rights ? Not familar? It's like if a police officer arrests a person licensed to carry a gun without that person doing anything illegal, it is equivalent to denying a person the right to air and food!
If my interpretation is wrong, please kindly point it out....

The gun issue is one thing. The other thing is, identifying troubled youths like Cho and the teenagers in Littleton killing. Well, I shall leave it here and hit my books....Till the next post...

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