Friday, April 27, 2007

Just a post

Looking through my posts, I realised that most of them were morbid; deaths, killings and my obesession with tennis. In a way, obesessions can be morbid since if it becomes unhealthy, things may get awry. Enough! haha...I might just end up writing about more morbid stuff.

Anyway, if anyone is looking to watch a very meaningful movie, nothing remotely similar to those starring Tom Cruise, Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, here's one. It's Out Of The Ashes. A very power and emotions-stirring real-life story. Go catch it on Hallmark channel! haha....Gosh I shld better act my age and the norms expected of an undergraduate.

Speaking of artistes, one of the most respectable name that comes to mind is Anthony Hopkins. He has almost been never linked to any scandals of any sorts and almost starred exclusively in "meaningful" movies ( my limited voca don't allow me to express what "meaningful" realli means in my context ).

I have a social work module later and I haven't found all the necessary notes. Such is my enthusiam for studies. Freedom makes me lazy and motivation is what I lacked. I always thought i was above average until I entered uni. Competition is so stiff that I feel that i m breathing "murdurous" air. Countless times were i made to look stupid....haha... without naming ppl, they made me look retarded and sheepish at their gentle best. It's not their fault ! It's mine....since laziness is what exudes from me. Don't come near me, you might get infected.

I think i shld stop coz i m prone to long-windedness if there's such a word.

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