Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Fourteen years ago to this day my great-grandmother left us. I was eight going nine.
I always remember her as a feeble and wrinkled old lady. ( Not very kind of me...haha ). At least that is because when I can remember anything, she's too old. Reflecting, if she was with us today, she would be 107! That is still a good 7 years short of the oldest living human being. The honour goes to Yone Minagawa, who is going strong at 114. However, the oldest person ever in recorded history is 122 !

Imagine us living to 114 ! Born in 1984, I would be 114 in 2098 ! Gosh...that's 91 years away!
If I were to live to 122, that would be 2106! 99 years away ! If I buy a HDB flat now, I would be homeless when I die!
"Knock knock !" "Mr Sim, you have not paid for the renewal of your ownership of this flat. Please do so otherwise we will be serving you a notice of eviction!"
Me ( with my dying breath ) " You can have it back, it sinks any way(pointing to something brown on the floor)."

Jokes aside, which is more important ? Quality of life or length of life? For sure, I don't want to be immobile and still live to a 100. Yone lived alone up to 2005 at 112 ! I want to die a happy man with lots of descendents weeping at my wake knowing that they will inherit a mountain of wealth after my ashes are collected.

PS: Rubbish post.

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