Sunday, April 29, 2007

Eve-post exams stress

Haven't been reading much from the newspapers except that Christopher Lee is facing possible jail time for driving an accident vehicle away from the scene of accident and not rendering assistance to the injured and for drink-driving blah blah blah.... haha.....what a mouthful to read in one breath!

Interject :
Having been done with almost all my papers except one, my motivation seems to dip even farther....i guess it is the culmulative of bad feelings that is brewing inside concerning the papers that i haf sat thusfar. certain things are within our control but certain things aren't. so far....those things which were supposed to be under my control i managed to messed them up with flair and urgency. haha..

While pride is what i cherish, however when i mess those things up......certainly pride was the last time on my mind. Now, i haf to start scooping the broken ( i actualli spelt ---> "breaken") bits and fix them back when i m done with exams.

I wish things could be different but let's face it....there's no point wallowing in self-pity. Life goes on and it is through these challenges that one can be stronger and be better adapt to deal with such situations in future.

I don't know what i m talking about but it makes sense.... i hope.

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