Mr Marine Parade n Mr Hougang
Okie gers (and queer guys), this is for u! Presenting to u IMG next top models, Mr Marine Parade and Mr Hougang. Mr Hougang, on the right, forgot to put on his sash...Mr Hougang is actually urs truly! Eh..hemm...Okie, enuff of the delusional, ego trip, Mr Hougang is actualli somebody else while Mr Marine Parade is a fwen of my fwen, Issac Low.
Unfortunately, Issac did not finish in the top 10. However, i feel that he deserves to be there. Without being too judgemental and bias, some top 10ers just lack the substance. Yesh, credits must be given to them for their hardwork n physical attributes, but some just lack the flair n presence of mind and articulation to be a worthy Mr Singapore?
One horrendous reply from a top10er during the Q&A section is as follows:
Q: If you were given the choice of returning a deceased world leader to life, who would it be and why?
A: Adolf Hilter...Becoz he made an impact in this world. (not exact words, but to this effect)
Audience: ( Gasp )
Excuse me? Haf u lost your mind or are u on drugs? Choosing Adolf Hilter is poor taste and abhorrent! Wee Kim Wee, Ong Teng Chong would haf been very convenient if Winston Churchill and Ghandi din impact ur existence as much as Adolf? Fortunately, it was not broadcasted in national tv, otherwise u will be the brunt of malicious newspaper dressing-downs? Death threats may even follow!!!
Silly, silly guy! If it was meant as a joke, no one is lauffing! Absolutely tactless!!! How to compete at the world stage??? If the same question was posed to u at a broadcasted international pageant, u will be lucky if u aren't dismembered!!! Our ministers will haf alot of explanations to make and after which, Mr Tharman will haf to sit down n rethink our education system!
Also, if there was a ten-year series for Q&A for pageants, please please please include this under the "ANSWERS U GIVE TO LURE TROUBLE" section.
The author wishes to apologise to the person in question who gave the not-so politically correct response in the Q&A section. I abit hum lar...scare later he come find must apologise. I m a peace-loving person...although i suffer frm the occasional verbal diahhorea.