Monday, May 21, 2007

Lost Love Baby

Every time i see your smile, it makes me filled with mellow. I knew u are the one.
Every time i see u, you always complain abt how plain u looked. To me, u r speical n u r gorgeous, sexy even when u frown!...ur nose, ur eyes...irresistable...
Every time we parted, i wonder when i will next see u.
Every time u sat next to me, i can feel ur warmth n love exuding.
Every time u speak, i hear voices of angels.
Every time our lips met, our spirits r connected in one.
Every time u r down, my heart breaks n i want to give u a hug n say all will be fine.

U mean the world over to me, if i can give u the moon n the sun,i will. If u want me to die for u, i will. For u, there is no limit. U r every thing that i ever see n i ever needed. U make me complete.
Now, ur heart belongs somewhere n u told me tt i m not worthy of ur time. i dun blame u, i never will becoz i hurt u too much. i messed up big time baby. Hoping against hope, i wish tt u will come back one day... those times we shared together were the best times i had in eons. thank u, thank u for showing me what love is... thank u for filling my heart with joy... though simple, but i will bring these sweet memories to my grave...
The sleepless nites, the countless nites i slept in silent tears, the mornings i woke up realising that u r no longer with me...since, are all too hard to bear...
Life goes on, i love u all too much...i wish u well n happiness...wherever u r n whatever u r doing...i will wait for u...till my last breath...

I can't imagine a day without you.
I can't imagine a day without your smiles.
I can't imagine a day without you scolding me.
I can't imagine a day without your SMS.
I can't imagine not seeing you.
I can't imagine giving you up.
I can't face reality without you by my side.
I can't face the fact that u want me no more.
I Love You baby.

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