Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sports Section, or is it?

It titles Sports Section but 1 sports seems to dominate. The Newpaper and The Straits Times dedicate a huge chunk of space to reporting soccer, soccer, more soccer and even more soccer...booorrrrrinngggggg lar!

There are so many other sports other than soccer, can? So irrrritaaatinnng to see pages after pages of obsessive reporting of soccer! Yes, we get it! Mourinhno talks alot, Ferguson n the rest don't like him, blah blah blah. We don't realli need to know who says what to whom, do we?

Other sports simply gets skim n scant treatment. Are we short of sports reporters? Why even bother to call it "Sports" section when most of the reporting revolves ard soccer? sickening... even tiny, puny, insignificant matches require detailed analysis by more than 1 soccer experts?

The Newpaper is even more ridiculous! They even provide tips on which team to bet! Don't they know that some of their readers are bus-driver-punching, impressionable teenagers? COME ON! Exercise some social reponsibility lah.

My humble suggestion. Let's have another set of newspaper, that goes by the name of "SoCcEr". Let's charge it at 50cents per piece, that means more revenue! Contents include, who says what to whom and whose dog is missing or who calls who uneducated...anything juicy, we can even throw in beach soccer news n a few bikini babes to spice things up! after all, soccer and sex sells....

PS : The author apologises for any regrettable and selfish opinions of the respectable The Straits Times and The Newpaper. He wishes to work for either papers to expand and diversify their scope of sports reporting though!

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