Thursday, May 24, 2007


SmilezZ! Don't u wish ur girlfriend was hot like her? Of course! But keeping her may be quite strenous since not many ppl wished their bf was hot like me...eeear! Did i mention hot? Forget i even said tt! I m prolly e farthest thing frm hotness. The association is remote! Non-existence? haha...i m not denying it!

What matters most is the heart...cliche but true! my saving grace...

Mars vs Venus on channel 8 is superliciously great! Huang Biren's still hot and her acting is top-notch! Definitely a strong contender for best actress! "Would you be there", one of the songs often interluding sad scenes just makes one want to tear! Some scenes with the song nearly crumbled me. hee...

Mars vs Venus : 4.5/5

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