Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Can u believe it? People say lightning never strikes the same place twice. However, there is this lady who got struck by lightning not once, not twice but 3 times! In a way, sometimes we need some kind of lightning to strike us to wake us up.

Was out searching for work yesterday. Met up with a jc classmate for dinner in White Dog Cafe then went to Holland V for dessert. White Dog Cafe ? What a name? haha....despite it's less than desired name, it has a beautiful setting with the sunset behind the full-length glass panel. It's just a perfect place for a hearty dinner with your pals. More so if you are dining with your beloved.

The food was fantastic and the presentation was perfect. For how much? The price is reasonable, on par with Swensen's and Cartel. Definitely a must-go at least once! Not forgetting, there's a cosy corner for chill out as they serve cakes and shakes as well.

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