Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Imagine a selfish and thoughtless person doing volunteer work? Ha! IroNy exemplified, amplified, magnified!!! CIP aside, most of wat i do is for me, myself n me again. Then again, CIP is for myself ain't it? Haf to fulfil otherwise will haf some consequences...

I believe that handicraft has never been my forte n today my belief is affirmed ever more strongly. Wao lao, cannot even cut along straight lines properly... n somemore was in PnP comms! hmm....wonder why my designs nv got approved? it suxed! haha... think i shall stay with ping pong ( sux too, not as bad), badminton ( sux alittle less ) and tennis ( sux still ).

itching to try new things... sky-diving? or ice-skating? just maybe...

Oh, this selfish brat actualli queued for sth he din realli liked twice! But hey! it was worthed its while, wonder why? For the love of thyself, won't u just drop it already?
I love to engage myself in monologues...muahahaha...insanity!!!

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