Tuesday, May 15, 2007

After Hours

Monday got to be one of the better days to tune in to local channels. Starting at 10pm, we have desperate housewives 3! Sexy Susan! Following that, we have After Hours. One of the better shows produced locally.

It stars the lovable and smoky-eyes Linda Liao(my fav) and Joanne Peh. To top it off, it features 2 idolizable hunks, Max Loong and Utt. What a comparable mix of beauties and brawns! The show is so my kind. Very 'potato-ish' and very light-hearted! It is stark contrast to "Police and Thief" whose plot and themes are passable at best. What a lame show. Come on, give some credit to prime time tv slot!

The recent airing of "Deal or No Deal" is a welcomed beginning to the end of cheapstake prize money Singapore game shows offer. I caught the last 2 episodes and the contestants walked away with more than 10Grands each! Gosh! What an astronomical contrast to Pyramid Game and Wheel of Fortunte Singapore. They are so pathetically starved of prize money! Top prize for the latter? $5000? Oh come on, Vanna White's blouse costs more than twice of that, hello! Let's not even talk about Pyramid Game! Speaking of which, the host, Benedict Goh has been arrested for drink driving akin to Christopher Lee.

There is just one thing that i cannot understand about the host! I wonder if it is rehearsed or are there some issues he needs to resolve. Not wanting to sound too harsh, but i feel that he is just not getting the dynamics of show right. He is trying but he tries too hard and it just backfires! Why in the sam hill does he need to whisper to the contestants' relatives only to have it revealed later? I call it kay zwau ( aka extra ). Also, just pick up the damn phone lar, when the banker calls? Can? If i was the contestant, i would haf just answered the call myself! ha!

Sorry, i sound so cranky.....i shld have auditioned for the host! Hey, urs truly here was a master of ceremony for my jc debate competition hor! Mai siao siao! This is partly becoz my debating skills are terrible and nobody wanted to be the master of ceremony! haha...

After Hours: 4.5* /5*
Deal or No Deal: 4.5* /5*
Pyramid Game: 3* /5*
WOF(S'pore): 2.5* /5*

5* : Miss it at your own risk !
4* : Miss it if you are risky!
3* : Miss it if you want to...
2* : Miss it also can....
1* : Miss also nvm.......

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