Thursday, May 17, 2007


yuMmY! Honey-Glazed Golden Brown Wings! The sHinY apPearAnce cOmEs fRom GoldEn kniFe cOokiNg oil, not tOo mUch But juSt enOugh to Wet yoUr tonGue anD aSk for moRe.

yuMmieEe...? haha....nope, u can't haf this. Even if you want, there's only one piece and it's not even mine! just joking... sEe the cOntrAst.....the chicken wings are honey glazed while this is sebum glazed. not golden brown but creamy's the effect of prolonged exposure to atmospheric room light conditions...

CaLling alL english specialists or just anyone? Can you please explain what this abstract is trying to say? Most of the words make sense but when they are put together in that permutation, it just sounds like the end result of my C programming codes; gibberish!

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