Saturday, May 12, 2007


Went to do something in most conservative ppl's minds would consider radical. I shan't mention what but it certainly is very radical!
Anyway, the end result was fantastic....i realli love it! Abit expensive but i guess it was money well-spent from the feedbacks i garnered. hahaha
Just need a bit of improvement and it is perfect!

Hmm......was blog surfing and i found this interesting post by someone.
Here it goes :
1.) Multiply 250 to the 1st 3 digits of ur hp. no. (excluding the '9')
2.) Add 1
3.) Multiply the result by 250
4.) Add the last 4 digits of ur hp no.
5.) Add the last 4 digits of ur hp no. again
6.) Subtract 250
7.) Finally, divide the result by 2 !

If your calculator is functioning the way the maker has wanted it to be, you shld get back ur hp. no. ! It may appear breathtaking at first but the trick is very simple. Ppl who do maths quite frequently shld be able to figure out the trick! U can come up with different combinations of numbers and get ur hp. no. back!

There are a few other interesting stuff...but i guess those are things for another day....

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