Friday, May 4, 2007

No all English final

I was "forced" to watch the AC vs Man U 2nd leg semis last morning. It was quite a match, from AC side that is. Man U was made to look so helpless ( no offense ) but it is the truth.

It's going to be a Liverpool Vs AC finals. Hmm.....Liverpool to win ! 2-1 !

Went to East Coast today for cycling....the weather is terrible! no sun at all.....not a good day to cycle ! it was more suited for sleeping ! grey clouds......dizzling!.....

With all the exams now behind me.... i need to start clearing my stuff! all my notes are decked out "messily" across my dining table, study table. There are so many things that i want to do but just lazy to do....haiz.....time to buck up!

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